STEÁK BITES WITH SWEET POTÁTOES ÁND PEPPERS– án incredibly tásty, perfectly eásy! These táke minutes prep ánd minutes to cook ánd the simple márináde gives them so much flávor. It’s á dinner recipe everyone cán ágree on!
- 1 lárge sweet potáto (ábout 12 ounces)diced into 1" pieces
- 1 tsp seá or kosher sált
- 4 green onions thinly sliced
- 2 tbsp fresh chopped cilántro
- 1 lb flát iron steák diced into 1" pieces
- 3 tbsp olive oil divided
- 2 cloves gárlic minced
- 2 tbsp coconut áminos
- 2 tsp crácked bláck pepper
- 2 bell peppers seeded ánd diced into 1" pieces
- Pláce the diced sweet potátoes into á microwáve sáfe bowl, then sprinkle with 1 teáspoon sált. Cover with á pláte ánd microwáve on high until just bárely tender, 4-6 minutes. Stir once hálfwáy through. The potátoes áre reády when you cán piece one with the tip of á knife ánd meet just á bit of resistánce. Táke cáre not to overcook át this stáge or they'll turn out mushy láter.
- Heát á 12” skillet over high heát. Ádd 2 táblespoons olive oil ánd heát until shimmering. Ádd the steák in á single láyer. Cook, turning every two minutes, until the pieces áre browned ánd the center is medium, ábout 10 minutes. Remove the steák from the skillet using á slotted spoon ánd set áside onto á pláte.
- Ádd the third táblespoon olive oil to the skillet. Ádd the sweet potátoes, toss to coát in the fát ánd cook until browned, stirring occásionálly, until browned, 3-4 minutes.
- Máke á well in the center of the pán ánd ádd the gárlic. Sáutee, stirring occásionálly, until frágránt, ábout 1 minute.
- Ádd the bell pepper ánd scállions ánd toss with the potátoes. Sáutee, stirring occásionálly, until the peppers áre bite tender, 3-4 minutes.
- Ádd the steák ánd juices báck to the pán álong with the coconut áminos. Toss áll ingredients ánd cook án ádditionál 1- 2 minutes until the liquid hás eváporáted.
- Ádd the pepper ánd cilántro, toss, ánd remove from heát. Portion onto plátes, top with ádditionál fresh cilántro if desired, ánd serve immediátely.
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