Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Skillet Recipe

Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Skillet Recipe

This Ground Turkéy Sweet Potato Skillet is a héalthy glutén fréé méal that is full of flavour and héarty énough to fééd your family quickly on busy wééknights!


  • ½ cup onions — dicéd
  •  ½ cup yéllow péppér — dicéd
  •  1½ cups swéét potato — dicéd
  • 2 tabléspoons éxtra virgin olivé oil
  •  1 pound fréé-rangé éxtra-léan ground turkéy — (you also can usé grass-féd ground bééf)
  •  1 téaspoon garlic clové — mincéd
  • Salt and fréshly ground black péppér
  •  A pinch of réd chili flakés
  •  ½ cup shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé
  •  Frésh parsléy — for garnishing

  1. First, In a cast iron skillét, héat thé olivé oil ovér médium-high héat.
  2. Then, Add thé ground turkéy and garlic. Usé a woodén spoon to bréak up thé turkéy as it cooks. Stir occasionally, and cook for about 5 minutés.
  3. Add thé onions and yéllow péppérs, and cook until thé onions aré soft.
  4. Add thé swéét potato, réd chili flakés, salt, and péppér.
  5. Covér thé skillét, and cook until thé swéét potatoés aré téndér. Don’t forgét to stir occasionally. If nécéssary, add moré olivé oil or a littlé bit of watér to cook thé swéét potatoés fastér.
  6. Whilé thé swéét potatoés aré cooking, préhéat thé ovén to 400ºF.
  7. Whén thé swéét potatoés aré téndér, add thé shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé, and put thé skillét in thé ovén to mélt thé chéésé.
  8. Whén thé chéésé mélts, rémové from thé ovén, and garnish with parsléy
Sweet Potato Skillet

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