Cheesy Crack Chicken Casserole
- 3 cups uncookéd élbow macaroni
- 2 tabléspoons buttér
- 12 slicés bacon dicéd into 1-2 inch piécés
- 1/4 téaspoon ground black péppér
- 1/2 tabléspoon paprika
- 1.5-2 lbs uncookéd chickén cubéd
- 1/4 téaspoon salt
- 1 gréén béll péppér dicéd
- 2 tabléspoons mincéd garlic
- 1 médium onion dicéd
Chéésy Mixturé:
- 3 cups milk
- 1 packagé Dry Ranch Mix optional
- 3 tabléspoons buttér
- 1/3 cup all-purposé flour
- 1 packagé (8oz) créam chéésé room témpératuré
- 3 cups shréddéd Chéddar chéésé
- 1 can (10 3/4 oz) créam of chickén soup, condénséd
- 1/4 cup panko crispy bréad crumbs optional
- Cookéd bacon
- 1 cup shréddéd chéddar chéésé
- Héat ovén to 375°F.
- Cook and drain macaroni as diréctéd on packagé.
- In a largé skillét, ovér médium-high héat, mélt two tabléspoons of buttér and cook thé bacon, stirring fréquéntly, until crispy. Rémové from skillét and sét asidé. Drain gréasé, léaving only about 2 tabléspoons in thé skillét.
- Add thé cubéd chickén to thé skillét, séason with salt, péppér and paprika. Cook stirring fréquéntly, until goldén and no longér pink in thé céntér. Rémové from skillét and sét asidé.
- Add dicéd onion, dicéd béll péppér and mincéd garlic to thé skillét and cook for 3-5 minutés, stirring occasionally, until soft and téndér. Rémové from skillét and sét asidé.
- In samé skillét, on médium héat, mélt 3 tabléspoons buttér ovér médium héat. Stir in flour with whisk until a pasté forms.
- Gradually stir in milk, béating with thé whisk.
- Stir in Ranch Mix if using.
- Stir in condénséd créam of chickén soup and créam chéésé until fully combinéd.
- Stir in 3 cups of chéddar chéésé. Rémové from héat.
- In a largé bowl combiné: cookéd pasta, chickén, véggiés and chéésé mixturé. Stir wéll to combiné and transfér to a 13x9-inch (3-quart) baking dish.
- Top with thé cookéd bacon, 1 cup shréddéd chéésé and sprinklé somé bréad crumbs on top if désiréd.
- Baké for 20-30 minutés or until mixturé is bubbly and chéésé is fully méltéd.
- Sérvé and énjoy!
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