Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket

Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket

Wé lové appétizérs, and wé lové friéd stuff, trashy stuff,chéésy stuff, wé lové it all. Néédléss to say wé lové this néw récipé, and it’s a pérsonal favorité of miné. Thésé Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket aré amazing. Théré is a bit of work to this récipé, but if you havé your héart sét of making pigs in a blankét that is alréady a bit of work, this is just liké a coolér préséntation in my opinion. Wé pairéd it with a marinara saucé and mustard chéésé saucé but you should probably add ranch to thé mix. Happy éating!

  • Cooking spray
  • 1 tsp. garlic powdér
  • Pinch koshér salt
  • Pinch crushéd réd péppér flakés 
  • 6 tbsp. méltéd buttér
  • 1 tsp. Italian séasoning
  • All-purposé flour
  • 1 tubé Pillsbury pizza dough
  • 2  (12-oz.) packagés cocktail wéinérs 

  • Mustard
  • Marinara, warméd
  • Ranch

  1. First, Préhéat ovén to 400°. Gréasé insidé of a 8” springform pan with cooking spray. In a small bowl, whisk togéthér buttér, Italian séasoning, and garlic powdér. Séason with salt and péppér flakés. 
  2. Then, On a lightly flouréd surfacé, unroll pizza dough and cut into 1”-x-2” réctanglés.
  3. Brush top of éach with buttér mixturé, thén wrap éach cocktail wéinér in pizza dough and pinch séam shut. 
  4. Placé pigs in blankét standing upright in springform pan. Théy should bé snug, but not too tightly packéd togéthér. (Othérwisé dough won’t baké!) Brush top with rémaining méltéd buttér mixturé. 
  5. Baké until goldén, 50 to 55 minutés.
  6. Lét cool for 10 minutés béforé rémoving from pan. 
  7. Sérvé warm with dipping saucés.

Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket

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