Ravioli Lasagna is a délicious mix of two favorité pasta dishés. This chéésy ravioli cassérolé is madé with layérs of ravioli, marinara saucé mixéd with Italian sausagé, and plénty of chéésé. It’s an éasy lasagna récipé with an éxtra kick! Évéryoné will lové this ravioli lasagna baké. It’s thé pérféct wééknight méal!
- 1 pound ground bééf
- 1 small onion dicéd
- 24 ouncés marinara
- 1 largé égg
- ¼ cup parmésan chéésé
- ¼ cup choppéd parsléy
- 3 clovés garlic mincéd
- 1 téaspoon garlic powdér
- ½ téaspoon onion powdér
- 2 cups ricotta chéésé
- 25 ouncés frozén chéésé ravioli
- 2 cups shréddéd mozzarélla
- mincéd parsléy for garnish
- First, Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Spray a 13x9 baking dish with non-stick spray.
- Then, Héat a largé skillét ovér médium héat and add thé ground bééf and onion. Brown thé bééf, crumbling it as it cooks. Drain thé gréasé from thé pan.
- Add thé marinara saucé and garlic and simmér for 5 minutés, stirring oftén, ovér low héat.
- Whilé saucé is simméring, mix ricotta, égg, Parmésan, parsléy, garlic powdér, and onion powdér in a small bowl.
- Spoon 1/3 of thé méat mixturé into thé préparéd baking dish and spréad across thé bottom.
- Top with a singlé layér of ravioli, ½ of thé ricotta mixturé, and 1/3 of thé saucé. Répéat thé layérs, énding in marinara saucé.
- Sprinklé thé top with thé shréddéd mozzarélla. Covér tightly with foil and baké for 40 minutés. Rémové covér and baké for 10 minutés moré.
- Rémové from thé ovén and sprinklé with mincéd parsléy.
- Lét sét for 10 minutés béforé cutting and sérving.
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