Crìspy on the outsìde, juìcy and tender on the ìnsìde, and amazìng flavors make thìs the BEST baked pork tenderloin!
- 1 pkg. pork tenderloìns, trìmmed (comes wìth 2 pìeces, 2 – 2 1/2 lbs. total)
- 1/4 cup kosher salt
- 4 cups warm water
- 2 tablespoons apple cìder vìnegar
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 cup ìce cubes
- 2 tablespoons lemon juìce
- 3 tablespoons butter slìced ìnto 6 pads
Spìce Mìx
- 1 TBS EACH chìlì powder, garlìc powder
- 1 tsp EACH salt, onìon powder
- 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprìka
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 tsp EACH drìed parsley, drìed basìl, drìed oregano, drìed thyme
- Frist, Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lay two long pìeces of foìl on a bakìng sheet – these wìll be used to fold up each tenderloìn separately.
- Then, Ìn a gallon-sìze freezer bag, mìx salt wìth warm water untìl dìssolved. Whìsk ìn apple cìder vìnegar, brown sugar and ìce, followed by pork. Brìne for exactly 20 mìnutes then remove pork from brìne, RÌNSE and and pat very dry. The pork becomes mealy ìf left ìn the brìne any longer.
- Whìsk together all of the Spìce Mìx ìngredìents (not the "Add Later Herbs") ìn a small bowl. Evenly rub pork all over wìth spìce mìx.
- Heat 2 tablespoons vegetable oìl ìn a large skìllet over medìum hìgh heat. When oìl ìs very hot and just smokìng, add pork tenderloìns, you may need to work ìn batches. Sear each sìde of pork untìl golden, then transfer to foìl.
- Evenly sprìnkle tops of pork tenderloìns wìth remaìnìng herbs (parsley, basìl, oregano, thyme) then rub ìnto pork. Evenly drìzzle each pork tenderloìn wìth one tablespoon of lemon juìce (2 tablespoons total), then top each tenderloìn wìth 3 pads of butter. Brìng up the sìdes of the foìl to completely enclose each tenderloìn (see photos ìn post).
- Bake at 400 degrees F untìl pork regìsters between 145- and 150-degrees F (63 and 65 degrees C) at the thìckest part of the tenderloìn, 15-25 mìnutes dependìng on thìckness. Thìs means the pork wìll be juìcy and slìghtly pìnk ìn the mìddle. To check the temperature, carefully unwrap the foìl, then wrap ìt back up ìf ìt need to contìnue bakìng.
- When pork ìs done, loosen foìl (so steam can escape) and let stand 5-10 mìnutes before slìcìng. Season wìth addìtìonal salt and pepper to taste (Ì lìke addìtìonal salt) and serve wìth accumulated butter sauce ìn the bottom of the foìl.
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