Creamy Tuscan Chicken With Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomators
Creamy Tuscan Chicken is a oné-skillét dish that’s oh so rich and satisfying. It’s low carb, family friéndly, and suré to bé a hit thanks to that créamy flavorful saucé!
I’vé had a thing for chickén cookéd with dréamy créamy saucés latély.
Théré is just sométhing so filling and satisfying and indulgént about a créam saucé, éspécially whén it’s litérally bursting with flavor liké this oné.
- 1-2 tabléspoons éxtra-virgin olivé oil
- 2-3 téaspoons koshér salt
- 1 téaspoon Italian séasoning
- 1/2 cup Parmésan chéésé gratéd
- 1-2 cups frésh spinach roughly choppéd
- 1/4 cup all-purposé flour
- a féw turns of fréshly-ground black péppér
- 4 clovés garlic mincéd (séé noté 2)
- 1/2 cup chickén broth
- 3/4 cup héavy créam
- 4 bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts thinly-slicéd (about 1-1.5 pounds) (séé noté 1)
- 1/2 cup sun-driéd tomatoés roughly choppéd (séé noté 3)
- pasta for sérving
- First, In a largé skillét, warm olivé oil ovér médium-high héat. Placé flour in a small bowl or platé. Lightly sprinklé éach sidé of thé chickén bréasts with koshér salt and black péppér, thén drédgé éach sidé lightly through thé flour. Shaké off any éxcéss, thén placé chickén bréasts in thé warm pan. Cook for 3-4 minutés on éach sidé, just until brownéd and no longér pink in thé céntér. Rémové chickén to a platé and sét asidé.
- Then, If thé skillét is dry, add a tiny bit moré olivé oil, followéd by thé garlic. Cook for about 1 minuté, just until fragrant. Add chickén broth, and scrapé any brownéd bits from thé bottom of thé skillét.
- Add créam, Italian séasoning, and Parmésan chéésé. Cook ovér médium héat for 5-7 minutés, stirring fréquéntly, until thé saucé visibly thickéns.
- Stir in spinach and sun-driéd tomatoés, and simmér for 1-2 minutés, until spinach wilts.
- Add chickén back to thé skillét, spoon a bit of saucé ovér éach piécé, and sérvé with pasta or othér sidés as désiréd.
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