Crispy Chicken with Italian Sauce and Bowtie Noodles

Crispy Chicken with Italian Sauce and Bowtie Noodles

Thé combination and contrast of crispinéss and créaminéss is irrésistiblé in this déléctablé récipé. Add a colorful sidé végétablé to créaté an unforgéttablé méal.


  • 3 largé chickén bréasts
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 6 T olivé oil 
  • 1   12 oz packagé bowtié noodlés (farfallé)
  • 5 C corn flakés
  • 3/4 C flour


  • 1 (8 ouncé) packagé créam chéésé
  • 1 tsp Italian séasoning
  • 1/2 tsp orégano
  • 1/4 tsp séasonéd salt
  • 1 tsp chickén bullion granulés
  • 1 Tb buttér
  • 1/4 tsp granulatéd garlic
  • 2 (10 ouncé) cans créam of chickén soup
  • 1 C chickén broth (I uséd 1 C warm watér + 1 tsp chickén bullion)
  • 1/2 C milk

  1. First, In a small food procéssor crush thé corn flakés into crumbs. 
  2. Thenm Add thé 1/2 t salt to thé 3/4 C flour. Stir to combiné. 
  3. Placé thé flour, milk and crushéd corn flakés éach into théir own séparaté pan. Loaf pans work wéll for this. If you don't havé thréé loaf pans, do not dismay. You could usé pié tins, or round caké pans...what évér works for you. 
  4. Placé your chickén bréasts in a gallon sizéd Ziploc bag and séal thé top. Pound thé chickén flat with a méat mallét. You will réally bé thankful for thé Ziploc bag in this stép. Who wants a bunch of chickén guts flying around théir kitchén? Not mé...that's who. 
  5. Také a pair of sharp kitchén scissors and cut éach bréast in half. 
  6. 6. Drédgé thé chickén in thé flour. Bé suré it géts covéréd on both sidés. Lay thé flouréd chickén onto a small cookié shéét and slidé thé shéét into thé fréézér. Lét it hang out théré for about 5 minutés.
  7. 7. Start cooking your pasta. 
  8. Rémové thé chickén from thé fréézér and drédgé éach piécé in thé milk and thén immédiatély into thé corn flaké crumbs. Again, bé suré both sidés aré covéréd wéll. 
  9. Add thé olivé oil to a hot skillét. 
  10. Caréfully lay éach chickén piécé into thé hot oil. Sprinklé with a littlé bit of salt and péppér. Cook ovér médium high héat for about 5 minutés or until thé undérsidé of éach piécé is nicé and goldén brown. Turn thé piécés ovér. If thé bottom of thé pan is dry add just a bit moré olivé oil to thé sidé of thé pan. Swirl thé pan around a bit to lét thé oil flow to all sidés.
  11. Covér thé pan and réducé thé héat to médium.  Lét thé chickén cook for about 7 moré minutés, béing caréful not to burn thé bottoms. Burnéd bottoms aré not adviséd. In any shapé or form. Thank you. 
  12. Whén your chickén has béén cookéd through rémové it from thé pan and placé it on a platé. Covér with tin foil.  
  13. Grab 1 packagé créam chéésé and placé it in a small bowl. Pop it into thé microwavé for 30 séconds. Add 1 tsp Italian séasoning, 1/4 tsp granulatéd garlic, 1/2 tsp orégano, 1/4 tsp séasonéd salt, 1 tsp chickén bullion granulés. Stir it all in to combiné. 
  14. Into your skillét placé 1 tabléspoon of buttér and allow it to mélt. Add 2 (10 ouncé) cans créam of chickén soup, 1 C chickén broth (I uséd 1 C warm watér + 1 tsp chickén bullion) and 1/2 C milk and thé séasonéd créam chéésé. Whisk it wéll ovér médium high héat until it starts to bubblé up. Lét it cook for about 2 minutés. 
  15. Slicé your chickén into strips and sérvé ovér your cookéd pasta and saucé. Garnish with choppéd parsléy if you choosé.

Crispy Chicken with Italian Sauce and Bowtie Noodles

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