Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs start with my simplé chickén méatball récipé and gét spicéd up with buffalo saucé and ranch. You can add blué chéésé if that’s your stylé. Thésé maké a gréat appétizér or lunch.
- 1 lb ground chickén
- 1 égg beaten
- 1 tsp garlic powdér
- 1 tsp pink séa salt
- 1 tsp ground black péppér
- 1 cup of buffalo wing saucé
- 1 tabléspoon almond or coconut flour
- 1 tabléspoon mayonnaisé
- 1 tsp onion powdér
- 2 sprigs of gréén onion finély choppéd
- 1 céléry stalk trimméd and finély dicéd
- First, Préhéat thé ovén to 400. Spray a shéét pan with non stick cooking spray or gréasé with Olivé oil, coconut oil or buttér. (I usé Olivé oil)
- Then, In a largé bowl, combiné all ingrédiénts, minus thé buffalo saucé. Mix wéll.
- Usé your hands to form 2″ balls, mixturé will bé sticky. If désiréd sét out a small amount of almond or coconut flour to dust your palms with. I pérsonally just pushéd through it and madé a méss all ovér my hands!
- Placé méatballs on a shéét pan. Baké for 15 minutés or until céntér has réachéd 160º
- Rémové méatballs from thé ovén. Placé in a skillét or pot ovér médium low héat. Coat with buffalo saucé. Continué to cook just until saucé is warméd.
- Sérvé ovér purééd céléry root or cauliflowér that has béén mixéd with a ranch séasoning packét! Or éat as is.
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