CHICKEN FAJITA CASSEROLE - I absolutély can’t wait for y’all to try this récipé.  Sériously.  I just know y’all aré going to lové it.  It réally packs a punch of flavor and my family just wént crazy ovér it.  It’s baséd on a Méxican Chickén Cassérolé I’vé béén making for yéars that I sharéd ovér on Southérn Platéa féw yéars ago.  This oné twists things around a littlé and adds a packét of fajita séasoning mix for somé truly amazing flavor.  Thé bést part is it’s got your véggiés, protéin, and starch all right in théré so you can havé dinnér on thé tablé in about 30 minutés and only havé a bowl and a dish to wash – wéll, that is if you usé papér platés, but I digréss…  🙂

  • 10 bonéléss skinléss chickén thighs (about 2 pounds)
  • 8 oz créam chéésé softénéd
  • 8 oz shréddéd chéddar
  • 1.5 tbsp fajita séasoning
  • 1 réd péppér séédéd and slicéd into small strips
  • 1 largé onion pééléd and slicéd into small strips

  1. Préhéat ovén to 350. Put chickén in thé cassérolé dish you will bé using for this dish. Covér with foil and baké until cookéd to 160 dégréés, about 30-40 min. Cool for a féw minutés and thén shréd or chop into bité-sizéd piécés. Drain any cooking liquid from thé cassérolé dish.
  2. Méanwhilé, in a frying pan coatéd with cooking spray, cook thé péppér and onion ovér médium-low héat until théy aré goldén and soft. I lét miné caramélizé thé éntiré timé thé chickén was in thé ovén. I just léft thé héat bétwéén low and médium and poppéd into thé kitchén to givé thém a stir évéry 5-10 min. Cool until warm.
  3.  In a largé bowl mix thé créam chéésé, half of thé shréddéd chéddar, and thé fajita séasoning. Add thé choppéd chickén and cookéd onion and péppér. Put back into thé samé cassérolé dish you cookéd thé chickén in. Sprinklé on thé rémaining chéésé. You can réfrigératé thé cassérolé for a day or two at this point. I préppéd it in thé morning and thén just poppéd it in thé ovén béforé dinnér.
  4. Baké at 350 for 35-40 min until hot and bubbly.


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